
Pregnancy Help Australia
National Helpline 1300 139 313

Free, Compassionate and Confidential support 8am-10pm AEST, 7 days 


Questions to Ask Before an Abortion 

If you have decided, after reading all of the information and exploring all your alternatives, to choose abortion, it is crucial that you feel in control of this process. 

Some questions to ask yourself...

  • Is this MY decision or am I feeling pressured in any way by any other person or circumstance?
  • Have I explored all the support and other options available to me, including parenting or adoption?
  • Have I considered how I might feel about this decision in the future .... in 1 month, 9 months, years from now? 

 Have you seen all the help sheets we have available on our website?

Some questions you could ask your abortion provider before making your appointment

  • What is the name of the doctor who will be performing my abortion?
  • Does the doctor have admitting rights to my local hospital in case of complications?
  • Do you provide independent counselling so I can discuss my options?
  • Does this counselling cost money? If so how much?
  • Do I have to pay any money upfront before my counselling?  If so how much?
  • Can I change my mind at any time and get a full refund of any money paid?
  • Will you provide an ultrasound?
  • Does this cost extra?
  • Will I be allowed to view the ultrasound if I choose to?
  • Will you give me written information about any possible physical or emotional after-effects of abortion?
  • Will you be testing me for STIs before an abortion procedure is performed? 

If you are uncomfortable with any of their answers, you do not have to make the appointment.  

If you still have questions, we're here to offer compassionate support and accurate information on all three of your options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. You don’t have to face this alone. Check back for details about your nearest pregnancy support service to discuss your options or call 1300 139 313 for 24/7 support.


Note: The information provided in this service is intended to encourage, not replace, direct patient/health professional relationships

Reach Out

National Helpline (8am - 10pm AEST)
1300 139 313




For general enquiries, media and partnership opportunities, or to learn more about our work, contact our office: admin@pregnancyhelpaustralia.org.au